
The unbearable pain of Sugauli Treaty and Nepal

Treaty of Sugauli After Sugauli treaty, about one third of Nepalese territory was lost including kumaun, Garhwal, Sikkim, Darjeeling, and many parts of Terai. Some land of terai was restored to Nepal in 1816 A.D. The treaty was in the favor of East India Company and Nepal suffered  heavy loss of territory. This treaty broke the heart of every Gorkhali. Some consequences of this curel and harsh treaty were;   ·           We lost 1/3 territory of our Country. ·           We lost many places of cultural & historic importance. ·           Our confidence on our leaders decreased fro that time. ·           British established its embassy on Kathmandu and started interfering in our sovereignty so,    till now India interferes in every policy made by Nepal government. ·           Unification campaign started by King PN shah was end forever. ·           The dream of our ancestors of making greater Nepal was collapsed forever. ·           Conspiracy took place in roya